
Come With Me

Okay, it's been awhile. I've been actually busy. It's crazy.
But here's a song that I've been listening to a lot lately.


The Girl

Hey, kids! It's been awhile. Mainly because I got so sick of my old music and then I was focused on new music and that took effort and then I found too much music that I couldn't take it all and still need to learn my new Mae CD and get my This Will Destroy You CD. I don't remember if I've talked about these already, but I'm too tired and I want to finish this post quickly so I can go to bed.

Along with those two new CD's… I cracked and went to Best Buy and bought [after 2 days of searching through incorrectly labeled bands (I mean, OWL CITY and SKY SAILING are NOT the same thing!!!!)] OK Go's Of the Blue Colour of the Sky.

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about a song that is hella fun to cover [on ANYTHING, not just the uke, mind you, even a cappella] and has grown on me.

I remember listening to it and thinking "Cute… but it's not AMAZING."

Now, it's the other way around. But not really. "AMAZING. CUTE!!!"



We've still got time!

Oh wow, delay. It helps to have internet, though. Right now, this was typed while I was still wireless-less. Frustrating. Anyway, in my extreme boredom, I was left with what I had that didn't need internet. And so, iTunes, Photobooth and iMovie became my best friends.

I was listening to the Once soundtrack after it came up on shuffle. How thick am I? Look at that. Do you see that? I always thought it was tracks or a trolley rail. Nope. They're walking down a guitar. I didn't even notice. I don't even know what made me notice. I don't know why I didn't notice. I have the physical CD. How could I not see that?! Anyway, I just thought that was interesting. I get it… but then I don't. Is it supposed to be about their bonding over his street-singing? She can't play the guitar.

Oh, if you haven't seen the movie Once… go see it. It's amazing. Then you'd understand why I don't give names. Throughout the entire movie, you don't catch their names. At least, I don't think you do. In the credits, both Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova are listed only as "Boy" "Girl". Interesting take. I really liked the indie feel of this movie. It felt real, as if one of the boy's friends was just taping him because he had a camera. And that's the best kind. That's what drew me to the Office. Which, I've noticed, is so unrealistic now. It's trapped itself in realism with the mockumentary. What camera crew follows a woman into the hospital after she's just had her child. Or follows a couple back to their new house… or to their wedding… or any wedding? Yes, I know I'd love to see the JAM story unfold, but I highly doubt the people making the documentary would, too.

Okay, enough about the Office. But basically, that's my little rants. Phew, I'm done.


New Music

First post of the month! Woo.

And… Since I've been on vacation for a month, and before that I had to supply 5+ hours of music for the college roadtrips [with no swears], I've run out of music.
When I say this, I don't mean it literally. But I like to add to my ever-growing CD collection every time I hit a slow music spot. So, I'm searching.
And searching. I don't want any mainstream anymore. Just something I can listen to and love and have friends to recommend to. How is 3OH!3 still in the alternative in iTunes?! They're not even close to that genre now. I don't really think they ever were.
My First Kiss, pshh!! Get off the #1 spot already!!

Anyway, I found some on Myspace, which is a lot easier to say than do, realized I'd found some already on iTunes. So now, my pal Grooveshark is letting me listen to the whole albums of all and help me decide which lyrics I want to learn and have forever.

Andddd I'm blogging on my stomach, which is uncomfortable, so I don't have strength to link anything. It's not like it's hard to find Grooveshark or Myspace or 3OH!3.

But I WILL link these albums I'm considering.

I found these on iTunes, which means I liked the looks of the album covers:

Deas Vail's Birds & Cages.
Mae's Singularity.
Lights's Acoustic [EP].

I found these on Myspace, which means they were on the top 50 "alternative charts":

The Audition's Self-Titled Album. [I thought it was clever]
Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.
Portfolio Days.

Finally, thanks to Andrew for bringing me to this: This Will Destroy You.
This is, from what I could listen to so far, an entirely instrumental band. And I like that. So, this is up there on my list. The EP they did called "Field Studies" cost $13, but there's only 5 songs. So… thanks Best Buy for ripping me off. Probably cheaper on the website.

Oh jeez, no pictures today! Just words!