
Hey, Mr. DJ, can you turn the music DOWN?

I know I said no more OK Go, but I just can't help myself. These lyrics are so amazingly lovely.

While You Were Asleep- OK Go:

In the shallowest part of the night while you quietly slept,
I lay here and I counted the hours to the sound of your breath.

Can't you love me?
Can't you love me how I want, please?

I went walking down on Second Street through the leaves and the clutter.
In the pale yellow sodium light, nothing has any color.

Can't you love me?
Can't you love me how I want, please?

On another note, a song [and a free one awhile back] that I never thought I would like was on the radio here it Georgia. Again. And again. Several times, actually. And I always feel the need to call out "I know this song!" because it's not well-known. At least I thought it wasn't.

High Road by Broken Bells.

It was on the "soft rock" station.

On another, nother note, this website has a new address thingy. bit.ly/lorrin. Why "lorrin"? Because that's my name, silly random questioner.

And moving to another, final subject, today at the Botanical Garden in Atlanta, the DJ there horrified me. The first time I heard his disc jockey-ing, it was a calming mix of Indian-like music with a techno beat. The second time we could hear him, he'd crudely mashed up Journey's hit Don't Stop Believin' with Lady Gaga's [that's right Lady Gaga] hit… Just Dance.
What?! Not even close in beats, but that's besides the point.
First, you would hear a story about a girl and boy taking a midnight train. Then, Lady Gaga would rudely interrupt with how she got so trashed, she didn't remember flipping her shirt inside-out.

Atlanta, you can do better.

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