
MY "Final Fantasy" IS...

Time for international music!
My all-time favorite country is Japan. Though I've never been there, the culture, language and EVERYTHING interests me. I'm currently learning Japanese, and I don't care if my friends tell me its the most difficult language and I'm crazy, I love it.

So, today I'm going to give a little thing on, you guessed it, Final Fantasy 13. Only because I briefed on it yesterday, and I just want to dive in a little further.

I buy all my songs, and don't download any for free because I know that if I was an artist I would want my revenue for a service that I provided. And since I don't listen to big-time music people, the smaller you are, the more each download counts. Sure, if the band offers a free single, like Vampire Weekend did, then that's okay, that's their choice.

But while all my friends used limewire, I stayed true to iTunes.

Okay, back to the whole reason for the title of this post!!!

I would love, love, LOVE for iTunes to carry international songs. The video I posted yesterday, that's not on iTunes or the American version of the game. No, apparently Leona Lewis's "Hands" or something is at the end. I don't even LIKE Leona. She's... Well, not to be rude, but we used to call her Leon Lewis when she hit her big streak with "Bleeding Love". Just because she kinda sorta looked like a man, BUT I DIGRESS [again].

I DO have a chinese song that I bought from iTunes. If you've ever seen the GE commercial... Here, I'll just put it here:

Kudos to the people who cut up this song, because it's actually only about 1 minute long.
What's the song? Cao Fang's "In the Summer" followed by some Chinese characters.

Anyway, the whole point of this was that I wish that iTunes carried more authentic Japanese artists so I could buy them and install them and be happy.

Okay, time to go swimming!

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